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Press Release

  • will provide such services as mobile phone medical consultations, support for medical transfers, and interpretations for international roaming service users.

  • Offers ’Overseas Emergency Special Report Service’, starting May 16th

  • Launches Data Automatic roaming service in Guam and Saipan Island, followed by Launches in Thailand, Japan, and China

  • Starting on May 16th SK Telecom will provide `Overseas Security Service` that includes emergency medical services, as well as overseas emergency situation guide services, to the 1.7 million SK Telecom subscribers who use international roaming services each year.
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    Starting on May 16th SK Telecom will provide `Overseas Security Service` that includes emergency medical services, as well as overseas emergency situation guide services, to the 1.7 million SK Telecom subscribers who use international roaming services each year.