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Press Release

  • SK Telecom sells the GSM-based ’i-Kids’ solution to SF-Alert of the Netherlands, and decides to acquire a 20 percent stake in SF-Alert

  • It will realize 20% of SF-Alert’s net profit, which will amount to at least KRW 40 billion over the next 5 years

  • This lays the groundwork for their being greater inroads into the European GSM market by SK Telecom’s advanced service products

  • SK Telecom will make its entry into the European market with the children safety service called `i-Kids`. The company will start offering the GSM-based `i-Kids` service in the Netherlands, by June of 2005, and intends to expand its service area to 3 European countries, including France and Germany, by the end of this year.
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    SK Telecom will make its entry into the European market with the children safety service called `i-Kids`. The company will start offering the GSM-based `i-Kids` service in the Netherlands, by June of 2005, and intends to expand its service area to 3 European countries, including France and Germany, by the end of this year.