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Press Release

  • Free gifts will be offered on a real-time basis, whenever customers make payments through a MONETA chip card

  • The participants in the program are Samsung credit card and Hyundai credit card MONETA chip enabled users

  • ’Magic Stamp’ offers five different types of free gifts in ten different stages. Customers can participate in the program, even though they make only one payment through their MONETA chip card.

  • In order to increase the use of MONETA chip cards, SK Telecom offers a customer reward program called `Magic Stamp` which is a different customer reward program than those involving traditional plastic credit cards. The stamp will be marked on a customers` mobile phone as soon as they make payments through a MONETA chip card at credit card member stores. The free gifts such as notebook computers, MP3s, and washing machines, will be granted by drawing lots.
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    In order to increase the use of MONETA chip cards, SK Telecom offers a customer reward program called `Magic Stamp` which is a different customer reward program than those involving traditional plastic credit cards. The stamp will be marked on a customers` mobile phone as soon as they make payments through a MONETA chip card at credit card member stores. The free gifts such as notebook computers, MP3s, and washing machines, will be granted by drawing lots.