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Free gifts will be offered on a real-time basis, whenever customers make payments through a MONETA chip card
The participants in the program are Samsung credit card and Hyundai credit card MONETA chip enabled users
’Magic Stamp’ offers five different types of free gifts in ten different stages. Customers can participate in the program, even though they make only one payment through their MONETA chip card.
In order to increase the use of MONETA chip cards, SK Telecom offers a customer reward program called `Magic Stamp` which is a different customer reward program than those involving traditional plastic credit cards. The stamp will be marked on a customers` mobile phone as soon as they make payments through a MONETA chip card at credit card member stores. The free gifts such as notebook computers, MP3s, and washing machines, will be granted by drawing lots.
’Magic Stamp’ is a different customer reward program than those involving traditional plastic credit cards. It offers an existing stamp on a card that is offered offline wirelessly. The stamp will be marked on a customers’ mobile phone as soon as they make payments through a MONETA chip card at credit card member stores. That is to say, when customers use the MONETA chip card, a stamped short message will arrive at their cellular phone, and then they can apply for free gifts on a real-time basis by pressing their call button. Besides the short message method, customers are allowed to apply for the gifts through the MONETA card homepage (
Samsung chip cardholders, Hyundai MONETA M cardholders, and Hyundai Carpu MONETA cardholders can participate in the Magic Stamp program by simply using their chip cards without additional procedures.
’Magic Stamp’ lets every customer receive free gifts such as free calls, bell sounds, picture mate, etc. even if they make only one payment through their MONETA chip card. The stamp will be marked every time customers make payments. This means that customers who have previously participated in the program, are allowed to repeatedly join in the program in each of its stages.
High cost gifts such as notebook computers, MP3s, and washing machines, will be granted by drawing lots on a first-come-first-served basis. Therefore, first time users have a high probability to win gifts. This program is designed to increase the use of MONETA chip cards.
Anyone who uses a MONETA phone is allowed to participate in the Magic Stamp program by acquiring a MONETA chip. Any customer who wants to participate in the program by acquiring a MONETA chip, can apply at SK Telecom authorized exclusive dealer shops, or at the following websites of MONETA Card: (, Samsung Card (, and Hyundai Card (
An SK Telecom official revealed that existing customers will be allowed to participate in the Magic Stamp program until the end of November 2004, and new customers who subscribe to the MONETA service prior to November of this year will be allowed to participate in the program for 90 days from the day of subscription. At a later date, SK Telecom will consider an extension of the program.