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Press Release

  • When a child is lost, the information about the child is relayed to cellular phones throughout area where the child was last seen.

  • Downloading fees for this service are free of charge due to the public service nature of this activity.

  • On the third of May, an agreement was reached between SK Telecom and the Korean National Police Agency.

  • Hong Kweon Kim, vice-deputy director of the Korean National Police Agency (center), and Shin Bae Kim, president of SK Telecom, are shown signing the agreement for the Missing Child Finding Service Using Cellular Phones, and later observing a trial of the service performance. (A recovery of lost children service through the use of cellular Phones was activated on the third of May in a cooperative effort between SK Telecom and the Korean National Police Agency.)
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    Hong Kweon Kim, vice-deputy director of the Korean National Police Agency (center), and Shin Bae Kim, president of SK Telecom, are shown signing the agreement for the Missing Child Finding Service Using Cellular Phones, and later observing a trial of the service performance. (A recovery of lost children service through the use of cellular Phones was activated on the third of May in a cooperative effort between SK Telecom and the Korean National Police Agency.)

  • Hong Kweon Kim, vice-deputy director of the Korean National Police Agency (center), and Shin Bae Kim, president of SK Telecom, are shown signing the agreement for the Missing Child Finding Service Using Cellular Phones, and later observing a trial of the service performance. (A recovery of lost children service through the use of cellular Phones was activated on the third of May in a cooperative effort between SK Telecom and the Korean National Police Agency.)
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    Hong Kweon Kim, vice-deputy director of the Korean National Police Agency (center), and Shin Bae Kim, president of SK Telecom, are shown signing the agreement for the Missing Child Finding Service Using Cellular Phones, and later observing a trial of the service performance. (A recovery of lost children service through the use of cellular Phones was activated on the third of May in a cooperative effort between SK Telecom and the Korean National Police Agency.)