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Press Release

  • Subscribers can send their current location information in a text message with map to close friends, relatives, or response personnel who are registered on their cellular phones.

  • This service allows the other parties to identify a callers’ location for up to 48 hours after the receipt of an emergency call.

  • The service use is free of charge for GPS function-enabled handset holders

  • A customer who had a car accident, is shown calling a registered person by using the GPS Emergency Calling Service. Starting on April 23, SK Telecom initiated a GPS Emergency Calling Service that allows a subscriber to have conversations with up to four people at the same time, when an emergency situation occurs
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    A customer who had a car accident, is shown calling a registered person by using the GPS Emergency Calling Service. Starting on April 23, SK Telecom initiated a GPS Emergency Calling Service that allows a subscriber to have conversations with up to four people at the same time, when an emergency situation occurs