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- A newly published Braille version of the Cellular Service Guide updates information contained in a Braille version, published for the first time in Korea, in January of 2001.
- Transparent plastic Braille letters have been placed over text printed on paper, enabling both sighted and blind people to use the manual.
This up-to-date cellular service guide has been put in Braille for the benefit of the visually impaired.
On March 17th, 2003, SK Telecom announced that an upgraded Braille version of the SPEED 011 User’s Guide is being distributed to SK Telecom branches, TTL Zones, major sales outlets, social welfare-related departments of universities, and institutions for the disabled nationwide. In January of 2001, the company became Korea’s first to offer a cellular service manual for use by the visually impaired.
The manual explains how to subscribe to a cellular service, and details how to use it. Information on various value-added services and rate plans is also included. The Braille text is not raised dots on the pages themselves. Rather, transparent plastic Braille letters have been superimposed over the printed pages, so the manual can be used by sighted and blind people alike. Or, a sighted person can use it to explain the contents more easily to a visually impaired person. The new manual in Braille is expected to greatly enhance the convenience of cellular phone use by the blind in Korea.
SK Telecom service department personnel directly participated in the process of upgrading the Braille version of the Cellular Service Guide, and gave additional explanations of the various aspects of the Braille text, with consideration for any particular difficulties that the visually impaired might have.
SK Telecom has continued to improve the quality of its services to those who cannot see. The company offers a 35%reduction in the subscription fee for the voice and data cellular service rates to the visually impaired, and has had a Braille application form available since 1997. Further, the company has launched "View Plus", an exclusive cellular service product for the hearing and speech impaired.
According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, as of the end of 2002, the number of blind people in Korea was 135 thousand out of a total of 1.294 million disabled people. As of the end of February 2003, 24.7 thousand of them were using SK Telecom cellular service.